Host a Raise the Age Action on Your Organization’s Website
Action Network is a web based application connecting constituents to their legislators. Visitors to your website can send letters to their legislators without leaving your website. The tool will be constantly updated to create a letter based on the appropriate actions to advance the bill, such co-sponsorship requests, votes, amendments, etc. You can see a sample here.
Step by Step Instructions
1. Create a new page, or choose a pre-existing page on your website
2. Draft an introductory paragraph explaining your organization’s support and the action you are asking of your members.
Sample Introductory Paragraph
Help us reduce crime in our communities by ending the automatic prosecution of 18-to 20-year-olds as adults. Raising the age will reduce harms of legal system involvement while improving public safety. With thousands of bills competing for the attention of your state legislators, co-sponsorship is a public commitment by your legislators that they would support this bill at every stage of the legislative process until it is voted into law. Can you help spread the word and ask your legislators to stand up for youth?
3. Choose the location of the Action Network widget on your webpage and embed the code below.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /><script src=''></script><div id='can-letter-area-ask-your-state-legislators-to-commit-to-supporting-raise-the-age' style='width: 100%'><!-- this div is the target for our HTML insertion --></div>